Tuesday, July 4, 2017

A Day of Introductions


Today was a day of introductions— an orientation to the local university from our hosts, and a more formal introduction to the food, history (always one of my personal highlights) and the market. It was the first time in my life I remember being referred to as an international student. Most of the day is blurred by dragging eye lids and smiling faces. Luckily, there were several key moments marked by food; Breakfast with sweet mango juice and tangy jam on round white rolls, fresh iced espresso and frozen yogurt for lunch and jalof and friend fish for dinner. I will need to monitor my intake of fried foods— two days in a row of fried fish is more than I usually have in a month! The jalof is a rice dish cooked in tomato and chile sauce— it has a round earthy flavor marked by a salty sharp spice. 

The air has been moist and warm— we feel consistently sticky but thus far not hot. 

Our first foray into the marketplace was full of smiles, handshakes and swarming vendors hawking their wears. We were told they love to haggle— and it is clear they strive to swindle and sell with a smile. They are all surrounded with genuinely pretty items. Their are bargains to be had. Some stalls were brimming with hand carvings, drums and paintings while others were filled by bright bursts of colorful cloth. Many of the students found items— paintings, small drums and skirts that they happily purchased— Moses showed me hand carved bowls and taught me to drum. I was happy to sit and learn— and walked away rich in spirit without buying a thing! 

Seeking a moment of freedom from the shouting vendors I meandered out of the back of the market and onto a short street marked by tires sunk into the sand, a little girl in a red and white dress hopped from tire to tire in her own world as motorcycles putt putted by and seagulls cried. 

I continued along the path a short ways and stumbled upon a hazy blue skyline— the sea frothing and white edged by the red earth as it runs into the gray-white sand. A man walks along the cliff that overlooks the beach, neatly stacked on his head are nearly two dozen hats.

Despite an itinerary seemingly somewhat empty— it felt packed and we are all drifting in and out of sleep on the short bus ride home. There will be many more days of exploration, shopping, tomorrow will be filled with lectures— and food. Until then, I will sleep.

(I tried to post this yesterday but our internet was unable to upload any of the photos-- I will update as often as I can.)

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