Sunday, July 16, 2017

Kakum National Park 7/15/17


After yesterday’s tour and dinner I was grateful to sleep in before our adventures at the Kakum National Park. Feeling rested and ready to explore the jungle, we headed into the National Forest. It was experience that is hard to enrapture with words. We climbed up into the forest, a quick hike found as at the foot of a small tree house on the edge of a ledge. Leading out, away from the tree house was a suspension bridge. The causeway was narrow— no more than two feet wide— reaching out across the expanse were ropes, tree branches and emptiness. Each step we took vibrated the bridge, causing it to sway gently— which swiftly traversed into our knees as we stared out into a green abyss. We walked up into the branches of the trees. As far as the eyes could see there were leaves, bushy tree tops and empty air…it was a lonnnng way down! It was exhilarating. 

Shem, Vishal, Ally

Claire, Dlyan

Claire, Adrian, Leonna

Kakum National Park

After our first adventure of the day we had lunch and Dr. Johnson shared her morning with us; watching a documentary on local snakes. Just what I had in mind for a relaxing meal! We then took off for a local swimming pool near a beach— an afternoon feeling grateful and refreshed by the sea breeze while watching the students play soccer and float on their backs.

Before heading to bed we drove down town to hear the Cape Coast Choir share some hymns and local music. They were small but mighty! It was a lovely way to end a busy Saturday.

Walkway down to the beach where folks played soccer before dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a month of Saturdays all rolled into one!!! Love getting the visuals, although the words did it pretty accurately!!
